My Proposal

**Every day I will post a Quicksketch of a dog. In the future I may post longer sketches and paintings but for now... just a Dog A Day.
I will post it even if I'm not in love with it- I NEED to try and draw every day! ***Hopefully***

Sketches are all done on 18x24 newsprint with a Conte Pencil unless otherwise noted.
Click On images to make them larger and to see the detail!!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dog Show Day

I went to a Dog Show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds today!

It was a lot of fun seeing all the beautiful dogs and I took many photos to use for my drawings.

Here are a few of the photos I took while I was there.

I will have drawings to post soon!! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Run for it!

So, missed a couple days due to my car troubles...etc.

But there's a light at the end of this tunnel!

Here's my happy dog for today. 

Don't love it... my next one will be better. :)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Puppy Therapy

Someone crunched the back of my parked car last night...

So, I'm in need of some puppy love.... :(

Here's a cute pick me up.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Senior Dog Sanctuary

I spotted this photo on Facebook.

They are based in Mount Juliet, TN.
Maybe you would be interested in rescuing senior dogs and/or help their mission.

I instantly thought this would be a lovely painting with all the colors in the photo.
And then I thought- Hm.. Blurry photo.. this will be a good exercise to test my anatomy knowledge. 
I enjoy occasionally challenging myself with badly shot or blurry reference.

It forces me to be honest in my drawing and decide what is important.

I didn't finish my drawing today though...
Had to stop everything to go to my day job. :P

Hopefully I'll be able to get my business up and running soon....
So I don't have to work weird hours, missing opportunities to draw/paint, and do what I love daily without stressing about time lost.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Creamy Husky

This is a stunning Husky at North County Animal Services.

Had to stop sketching a bit sooner than I wanted today- Had a late start and have to go to work...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Be My Buddy

This is Buddy.

He wants to be yours.

Check him out at North County Animal Services.

 He's got a very cute face.

These Drawings always turn out better when I get a close reference photo of their face.
Can be difficult seeing details when taking pictures with your phone... in a low light kennel... ;P

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Molly Valentine

Molly the toothless wonder gets a little extra love this Valentines Day.

She's defiantly a strange little goof who shouldn't be passed over since she's a bit different in the looks department.

Go take a look and spread the word about this cutie at

PS- She tap-dances...

Although I get that they think this derp photo is funny/charming...
I think she's MUCH cuter than their photo depicts..

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016


I so wanted to take this one home with me. 
What a Cute ol' guy.

I forgot to post this on the day I drew it so I post dated it- here you go...
Friday's drawing. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


This is Bud.

He's available for adoption at 

He's so good at posing for a nice picture I don't get why they went with the one below...

Go check this smiley guy out!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Boy oh Borzoi!

Another photo grab from the internet.

I liked how this dog's hair was flying around everywhere.. lots of hair.

Sight Hounds have really grown on me... I usually am drawn to big, meaty, muscly dogs.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mopey Puppy

This was a droopy little(?) Mastiff puppy...

Puppies can be really tough to draw.

I know... haven't had too many in a row lately... I'll do better.

I need to draw some happy dogs!
Next time...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Chinese Crested

Another picture pull from the internet...

I need to go out and take some reference photos.

I always imagine these little guys are cold... :)

**My apologies for the absence... I've been caught up in work and other activities. **