My Proposal

**Every day I will post a Quicksketch of a dog. In the future I may post longer sketches and paintings but for now... just a Dog A Day.
I will post it even if I'm not in love with it- I NEED to try and draw every day! ***Hopefully***

Sketches are all done on 18x24 newsprint with a Conte Pencil unless otherwise noted.
Click On images to make them larger and to see the detail!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Found this pretty Saluki online.

Had to draw him/her. :) 

So elegant. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Brindle Problems

This is my cousin's dog Panzer.

He's proven very difficult to draw because he has a brindled coat and I can't seem to make up my mind how much or little I want to emphasize the lines on his fur or what choices to make in that regard...

So certainly a coat type I need to be mindful of and work on...

He's a cutie.

Ps- It's been a challenge to draw every day but I'm really trying.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

2 for 1

Missed a couple days so here's 2 dogs. :) 

I drew from an ASPCA calendar for this one. 

I need to shoot some more reference photos.
I feel like my drawings show when I've skipped a couple days.. grumble.
Oh Well...
Onward and upward!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


This is my sweet Holly who passed away 3 yrs ago from cancer.

I miss her every day.
She had such a wonderful happiness about her at all times.

Today I decided to mix it up and do a pen sketch.

Although I consider these quick sketches.. I have been slowing down more to be deliberate.
That has definitely helped with my accuracy in choices. 

Feeling better about my overall skills lately.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016


I feel I struggle more with the fluffy/scruffy dogs...

That means I need to draw more of them...


This one WAS at the Animal Shelter but isn't anymore... 
My guess is someone lost this cutie and found him again.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What a Doll!

Derby Doll! 

What a cute name!... and what a cute dog.

Much better looking in person than the photo they have of her online.
She needs a re-shoot!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stay Tuned..

I was working on a project for my Niece the last couple days...

So I didn't get a chance to draw any Dogs. :(

Stay tuned... tomorrow I will be drawing for sure!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lost Fluff

This little one was brand new when I spotted her at the shelter..

She stayed in one spot right in the middle of the kennel.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Next Painting - Duke

I don't have a new drawing today but I'm going to share a project that I shelved for a while.

This is the beginning of a painting of my dog Duke who died a few months ago.

I couldn't bring myself to work on it after he passed.

I'm going to try again.

Updates will be coming in the future....

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Need new reference photos!

Hello Friends!

El Nino has hit Southern CA hard and...
I just realized I ran out of subjects for my Dog A Day!

I'm going to try to get in a trip to the Animal Shelter for new photos.

Hopefully I have enough time before work to do a bit of drawing... 

Stay tuned....

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lazy Shepherd

There was a beautiful Shepherd at the animal shelter the other day...
But he was snapped up.

I wish by ME! ;)

Love Shepherds.. They're so noble and attractive looking.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Rosie has been at North County Animal Services since 8/17/2015!!!

I think she's getting a bit depressed.
All dogs deserve I nice warm home for the New Year but she really needs it.

Go check her out.

She might be the diamond in the rough you've been looking for.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Little Ball

It's always amazing to me how dogs can curl themselves up into a small ball..

This is a stray down at North County Animal Services.

Not available yet and may have an owner looking for her.

She has a very gentle and sweet expression.

And one brown eye and one blue eye.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


This was the last drawing I did of Duke before he died a few months ago.
He was laying around and I was trying to work on my speed.

It's a small sketch in my sketchbook done with a mechanical pencil.

It's amazing how much animals move around when just laying around.. definitely a good challenge to work on observational skills. I mostly work from photos when it comes to animals though due to this...

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

I had a busy day today and this is all I could muster...

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!